Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Well people, I am working on something new! It will be my main, and only focus until it's functional! It is not a game, it's an application! I am currently finding DLLs to help connect to the Internet, and download and update files. I am currently working on a login system. It's going to be a social application. It'll have Status Updates, comments, and profile pictures. It'll take a bit of time before it's released out to the public. Oh, and if you want to help test the application, PLEASE email me @!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

v1.0.5 Comming Soon! :D

I am super excited because I am almost ready to release v1.0.5 of Exploration! I added a lot of things. Including:

- when you right click something in your inventory, it is spawned right next to you.
- crafting is added.
- added sticks and stones.
- added first item, the hammer!
- added rocks, you can't hit them with the hammer though.

- if you right click an item in the inventory, it doesn't get destroyed.
- you cannot spam hit skeletons now.

The update will probably come sometime during the weekend. :D

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Exploration v1.0.4

Hello people! Update has come for Exploration! Here is the download link for it:

Also some pictures of the menu, and inventory!

Please download! :D

Also, the next update (v1.0.5) will include four more inventory spaces, sticks, stones, and crafting! So look forward to that! Alright, well see ya later ;D

Monday, October 29, 2012

New Game: Exploration

Hello! I've been showing and working on my new game on the GMC Forums! Here is what is going to be on the most recent version:

Next version will be v1.0.4 (Version 1 Build 4) and it will include an inventory! Inside of the inventory, there will only be 8 slots for storing things, and 1 slot for armor. And it will only stop the players movement, nothing else. This update will come sometime this week! :D ok bye.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Build 1 comming tomorrow?

I hope to get Build a Thing Build 1 out tomorrow! And to accomplish that, I have to get rid of a big bug including Doors, and Pressure Plates. If I can't... the update will still come, but the Pressure Plates have to be placed first, then the Door. I guess that's it for now. Bye!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Work, work, work!

Today after school, I am dedicating the rest of my day to finishing the first Build of Build a Thing! What I would like to include in this update:

Build 1a
- add all building blocks (dirt, grass, stone, wood, and so on).
- add Fences(?), and doors.
- perfect Halfslabs, and Stairs.
- add facing of Stairs and Doors.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Build a Thing Updates and stuff!

Hello! Long time, no blog! I've been working on new blocks for BaT (Build a Thing). The toughest blocks are the half-slabs. Mostly fixing bugs for those suckers. Other blocks are easy. Adding four blocks tomorrow, and maybe releasing Build 1a next week! So yeah. I say that a lot! Ok, bye bye!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Update/Release of Build a Thing!

Currently working on bug fixes in Millbee. Next update for Millbee won't be comming out soon.

Release of Build a Thing:
Later on today I am going to release v0.0a. It will include 20 building blocks, block placement, and destroying blocks. The next update will have more blocks, and an unstable version of Survival Mode! It will not have inventory/hotbar/crafting. It will have collection of blocks, and placement of blocks. It's basically the same as the Build mode, except the character is there.

That's it, bye bye.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Build a Thing v0.0a: Comming Soon!

Hello people! I have been working on Build a Thing, and I have gotten a lot done. It's almost ready to be released. I added 20 building blocks to build with, and I am fixing the block chooser so you can click it, and use the mouse scroll to choose the block. I'm going to add a Survival Mode, and I am working on inventory right now. And the Survival Mode isn't comming soon. Still a lot to do. And maybe when Survival Mode comes out, I'll change Build Mode so that there is a player. Well, thats all I needed to say. Good bye.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sneak Peek!

Here is a small sneak-peek of Build a Thing! Its far from release though. I'd say a couple of weeks! Get excited because right now it is pretty cool. :D 

Friday, October 5, 2012

New Game: Build a Thing!

Making a new game right now, and I am naming it Build a Thing! It is a block placing game where you just build things. Currently, block destroying is perfect. And now I'm working on block placing. It's all going great. Once this game is further developed, I am going to add a function where you can save the stuff you created, and share it with other people. This way, you can create maps, and stuff like that. Anyway, back to the present. I'll post a picture of this game tomorrow when I have more things completed. See ya ;-)


For v1.7_5 of Millbee, all of the bugs in v1.7_3 will be fixed. I'll list some of the minor bugs (the last two are a bit more major):

- Enderman sometimes don't jump over blocks.
- Enderman will sometimes not to any damage (at random times).
- Kill the Dragon underground and the Portal will be underground.
- If you throw an Enderpearl into a wall when the Dragon is attacking you, you'll either not teleport, or go inside of that wall.
- If you are directly under the Dragon when you kill it, the Portal will fall on top of you, thus making you stop moving.

For v1.8 of Millbee, there may or may not be a new stage. I can't say what kind of stage it might be, but it might have new mobs. MIGHT. Yeah.
That's basically it for now! And the next update may be in a week or two.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Millbee v1.7_3

In this update, I added a Dragon level. And i left out fixing a bunch of minor bugs. But there only small bugs.
This is the Dragon level that I worked on, and I am somewhat proud of it.
And here is the download link:

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Blog

Well, this is my blog for posting game stuff and other stuff. Mostly for Millbee: Fan Mail, my most current game! Goodbye for now!