Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Well people, I am working on something new! It will be my main, and only focus until it's functional! It is not a game, it's an application! I am currently finding DLLs to help connect to the Internet, and download and update files. I am currently working on a login system. It's going to be a social application. It'll have Status Updates, comments, and profile pictures. It'll take a bit of time before it's released out to the public. Oh, and if you want to help test the application, PLEASE email me @!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

v1.0.5 Comming Soon! :D

I am super excited because I am almost ready to release v1.0.5 of Exploration! I added a lot of things. Including:

- when you right click something in your inventory, it is spawned right next to you.
- crafting is added.
- added sticks and stones.
- added first item, the hammer!
- added rocks, you can't hit them with the hammer though.

- if you right click an item in the inventory, it doesn't get destroyed.
- you cannot spam hit skeletons now.

The update will probably come sometime during the weekend. :D

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Exploration v1.0.4

Hello people! Update has come for Exploration! Here is the download link for it:

Also some pictures of the menu, and inventory!

Please download! :D

Also, the next update (v1.0.5) will include four more inventory spaces, sticks, stones, and crafting! So look forward to that! Alright, well see ya later ;D

Monday, October 29, 2012

New Game: Exploration

Hello! I've been showing and working on my new game on the GMC Forums! Here is what is going to be on the most recent version:

Next version will be v1.0.4 (Version 1 Build 4) and it will include an inventory! Inside of the inventory, there will only be 8 slots for storing things, and 1 slot for armor. And it will only stop the players movement, nothing else. This update will come sometime this week! :D ok bye.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Build 1 comming tomorrow?

I hope to get Build a Thing Build 1 out tomorrow! And to accomplish that, I have to get rid of a big bug including Doors, and Pressure Plates. If I can't... the update will still come, but the Pressure Plates have to be placed first, then the Door. I guess that's it for now. Bye!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Work, work, work!

Today after school, I am dedicating the rest of my day to finishing the first Build of Build a Thing! What I would like to include in this update:

Build 1a
- add all building blocks (dirt, grass, stone, wood, and so on).
- add Fences(?), and doors.
- perfect Halfslabs, and Stairs.
- add facing of Stairs and Doors.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Build a Thing Updates and stuff!

Hello! Long time, no blog! I've been working on new blocks for BaT (Build a Thing). The toughest blocks are the half-slabs. Mostly fixing bugs for those suckers. Other blocks are easy. Adding four blocks tomorrow, and maybe releasing Build 1a next week! So yeah. I say that a lot! Ok, bye bye!